Number of items: 56.
Lamarre, Jessika and Wilson, David R.
Short-term dietary changes are reflected in the cerebral content of adult ring-billed gulls.
Royal Society Open Science, 11 (8).
ISSN 2054-5703
Collins, Sydney M. and Hedd, April and Montevecchi, William A. and Burt, Tori V. and Wilson, David R. and Fifield, David A.
Small tube-nosed seabirds fledge on the full moon and throughout the lunar cycle.
Biology Letters, 19 (12).
ISSN 1744-957X
Ethier, Jeffrey P. and Wilson, David R.
Limited evidence for the influence of the physical structure and floristics of habitat on a boreal forest bird community.
Canadian Field-Naturalist, 137 (4).
pp. 307-326.
ISSN 0008-3550
Wilson, David R. and Mejias, Miguel Alberto
Breeding biology and nesting behavior of the endemic subspecies of White-eyed Vireo (Vireo griseus bermudianus) on the Bermuda archipelago.
Journal of Field Ornithology, 94 (3).
ISSN 1557-9263
Mejias, Miguel Alberto and Wilson, David R.
The relationships of breeding stage to daytime singing behaviour and song perch height in Bermuda white-eyed vireos Vireo griseus bermudianus.
Journal of Avian Biology, 2023 (7-8).
ISSN 1600-048X
Lamarre, Jessika and Cheema, Sukhinder K. and Robertson, Gregory J. and Wilson, David R.
Foraging on anthropogenic food predicts problem-solving skills in a seabird.
Science of the Total Environment, 850.
ISSN 1879-1026
Wilson, David R. and Sandoval, Luis
Neotropical Birds Respond Innately to Unfamiliar Acoustic Signals.
American Naturalist, 200 (3).
pp. 419-434.
ISSN 1537-5323
Wilson, David R. and Collins, Sydney M. and Hedd, April and Fifield, David A. and Montevecchi, William A.
Foraging Paths of Breeding Leach’s Storm-Petrels in Relation to Offshore Oil Platforms, Breeding Stage, and Year.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 9.
ISSN 2296-7745
Wilson, David R. and Kostoglou, Kristal N. and MIller, Edward H. and Weston, Michael A.
Vocal traits of shorebird chicks are related to body mass and sex.
Ibis, 164 (3).
pp. 816-824.
ISSN 1474-919X
Wilson, David R. and MIller, Edward H. and Kostoglou, Kristal N. and Weston, Michael A.
Anatomy of avian distress calls: structure, variation, and complexity in two species of shorebird (Aves: Charadrii).
Behaviour, 159.
pp. 699-733.
ISSN 0005-7959
Wilson, David R. and Mejias, Miguel Alberto and Roncal, Julissa
Territorial responses of male Bermuda White-eyed
Vireos (Vireo griseus subsp. bermudianus) reflect
phylogenetic similarity of intruders and acoustic
similarity of their songs.
Journal of Field Ornithology, 92 (4).
pp. 431-449.
ISSN 1557-9263
Wilson, David R. and Lamarre, Jessika
Waterbird solves the string-pull test.
Royal Society Open Science, 8.
ISSN 2054-5703
Wilson, David R. and Lamarre, Jessika and Cheema, Sukhinder K. and Robertson, Gregory J.
Omega-3 fatty acids accelerate fledging in an avian marine predator: a potential role of cognition.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 224 (4).
ISSN 0022-0949
Wilson, David R. and Simpson, Richard K. and Mistakidis, Allison F. and Mennill, Daniel J. and Doucet, Stéphanie M.
Sympatry drives colour and song evolution in wood-warblers (Parulidae).
Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences, 288 (1942).
ISSN 1471-2954
Wilson, David R. and Mejias, Miguel Alberto and Roncal, Julissa and Imfeld, Tyler S. and Boisen, Sander
Relationships of song structure to phylogenetic history, habitat, and morphology in the vireos, greenlets, and allies (Passeriformes: Vireonidae).
Evolution, 74 (11).
pp. 2494-2511.
ISSN 1558-5646
Wilson, David R. and Ethier, Jeffrey P.
Using microphone arrays to investigate microhabitat selection by declining breeding birds.
Ibis, 162 (3).
pp. 873-884.
ISSN 1474-919X
Wilson, David R. and Busniuk, Kaylee and Storey, Anne e.
Herring gulls target profitable Atlantic puffins during kleptoparasitic attack.
Animal Behaviour, 166.
pp. 273-279.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Fahmy, Mohammad
Singing behaviour of ruby-crowned kinglets Regulus calendula in relation to time-of-day, time-of-year, and social context.
Journal of Avian Biology, 51.
ISSN 1600-048X
Wilson, David R. and Landsborough, Blaine and Mennill, Daniel J.
Variation in chick-a-dee call sequences, not in the fine structure of chick-a-dee calls, influences mobbing behaviour in mixed-species flocks.
Behavioral Ecology, 31 (1).
pp. 54-62.
ISSN 1465-7279
Wilson, David R. and Brown, Nicholas A. W. and Gagnon, Patrick
Plasticity in the antipredator behavior of the
orange-footed sea cucumber under shifting
hydrodynamic forces.
Current Zoology, 65 (6).
pp. 685-695.
ISSN 1674-5507
Wilson, David R. and Hennigar, Bronwen and Ethier, Jeffrey P.
Experimental traffic noise attracts birds during the breeding season.
Behavioral Ecology, 30 (6).
pp. 1591-1601.
ISSN 1465-7279
Wilson, David R. and Sehrsweeney, Matt and Bain, Maggie and Boutin, Stan and Lane, Jeffrey E. and McAdam, Andrew G. and Dantzer, Ben
The effects of stress and glucocorticoids on vocalizations: a test in North American red squirrels.
Behavioral Ecology, 30 (4).
pp. 1030-1040.
ISSN 1465-7279
Wilson, David R. and Siracusa, Erin R. and Studd, Emily K. and Boutin, Stan and Humphries, Murray M. and Dantzer, Ben and Lane, Jeffrey E. and McAdam, Andrew G.
North American red squirrels mitigate costs of territory defence through social plasticity.
Animal Behaviour, 115.
pp. 29-42.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Scully, Erin N. and Schuldhaus, Brenna C. and Congdon, Jenna V. and Hahn, Allison H. and Campbell, Kimberley A. and Sturdy, Christopher B.
ZENK expression in the auditory pathway of black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus) as a function of D note number and duty cycle of chick-a-dee calls.
Behavioural Brain Research, 356.
pp. 490-494.
ISSN 0166-4328
Wilson, David R. and Sandoval, Luis and Barrantes, Gilbert
Conceptual and statistical problems with the use of the Shannon-Weiner entropy index in bioacoustic analyses.
Bioacoustics, 28 (4).
pp. 297-311.
ISSN 0952-4622
Wilson, David R. and Shonfield, Julia and Gorrell, Jamieson C. and Coltman, David W. and Boutin, Stan and Humphries, Murray M. and McAdam, Andrew G.
Using playback of territorial calls to investigate mechanisms of kin discrimination in red squirrels.
Behavioral Ecology, 28 (2).
pp. 382-390.
ISSN 1465-7279
Wilson, David R. and Watson, Matthew J. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Anthropogenic light is associated with increased vocal activity by nocturnally migrating birds.
The Condor, 118 (2).
pp. 338-344.
ISSN 1938-5129
Wilson, David R. and Ratcliffe, Laurene M. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus, avoid song overlapping: evidence for the acoustic interference hypothesis.
Animal Behaviour, 114.
pp. 219-229.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Harris, Alexander J. and Graham, Brendan A. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Estimating repertoire size in a songbird: a comparison of three techniques.
Bioacoustics, 25 (3).
pp. 211-224.
ISSN 0952-4622
Wilson, David R. and Goble, Adam R. and Boutin, Stan and Humphries, Murray M. and Coltman, David W. and Gorrell, Jamieson C. and Shonfield, Julia and McAdam, Andrew G.
Red squirrels use territorial vocalizations for kin discrimination.
Animal Behaviour, 107.
pp. 79-85.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Battiston, Matthew M. and Kovach, Kristin A. and Graham, Brendan A. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Rufous-and-white wrens Thryophilus rufalbus do not
exhibit a dear enemy effects towards conspecific or
heterospecific competitors.
Current Zoology, 61 (1).
pp. 23-33.
ISSN 1674-5507
Wilson, David R.
Review of Animal Communication Theory: Information and Influence (Edited by U. Stegmann).
The Quarterly Review of Biology, 89 (4).
pp. 394-395.
ISSN 1539-7718
Wilson, David R. and Battiston, Matthew M. and Brzustowski, John and Mennill, Daniel J.
Sound Finder: a new software approach for localizing animals recorded with a microphone array.
Bioacoustics, 23 (2).
pp. 99-112.
ISSN 0952-4622
Wilson, David R. and Cartwright, Lyndsay A. and Taylor, Dallas R. and Chow-Fraser, Patricia
Urban noise affects song structure and daily patterns of song production in Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus).
Urban Ecosystems, 17 (2).
pp. 561-572.
ISSN 1573-1642
Wilson, David R.
Animal Communication: Keep Your Wings Off My Food!
Current Biology, 24 (8).
ISSN 1879-0445
Wilson, David R. and Bitton, Pierre-Paul and Podos, Jeffrey and Mennill, Daniel J.
Uneven Sampling and the Analysis of Vocal Performance Constraints.
American Naturalist, 183 (2).
pp. 214-228.
ISSN 1537-5323
Wilson, David R. and Hanna, Dalal E. L. and Blouin-Demers, Gabriel and Mennill, Daniel J.
Spring peepers Pseudacris crucifer modify their call
structure in response to noise.
Current Zoology, 60 (4).
pp. 438-448.
ISSN 1674-5507
Wilson, David R. and Baker, Tyne M. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Vocal signals predict attack during aggressive interactions in black-capped chickadees.
Animal Behaviour, 84 (4).
pp. 965-974.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Mennill, Daniel J. and Battiston, Matthew M. and Foote, Jennifer R. and Doucet, Stéphanie M.
Field test of an affordable, portable, wireless microphone array for spatial monitoring of animal ecology and behaviour.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3 (4).
pp. 704-712.
ISSN 2041-210X
Wilson, David R. and Evans, Christopher S.
Fowl communicate the size, speed and proximity of avian stimuli through graded structure in referential alarm calls.
Animal Behaviour, 83 (2).
pp. 535-544.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Sandoval, Luis
Local predation pressure predicts the strength of mobbing
responses in tropical birds.
Current Zoology, 58 (5).
pp. 781-790.
ISSN 1674-5507
Wilson, David R. and Hanna, Dalal E. L. and Blouin-Demers, Gabriel and Mennill, Daniel J.
Anthropogenic noise affects song structure in red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus).
Journal of Experimental Biology, 214 (21).
pp. 3549-3556.
ISSN 0022-0949
Wilson, David R. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Duty cycle, not signal structure, explains conspecific and heterospecific responses to the calls of Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus).
Behavioral Ecology, 22 (4).
pp. 784-790.
ISSN 1465-7279
Wilson, David R. and Evans, Christopher S. and McDonald, Paul G.
Mechanisms of Mate Investment in the Polygamous Fowl, Gallus gallus.
Ethology, 116 (8).
pp. 755-762.
ISSN 1439-0310
Wilson, David R. and Mennill, Daniel J.
Black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus, can use individually distinctive songs to discriminate among conspecifics.
Animal Behaviour, 79 (6).
pp. 1267-1275.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Pronk, Renata and Harcourt, R.
Video playback demonstrates episodic personality in the gloomy octopus.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 213 (7).
pp. 1035-1041.
ISSN 0022-0949
Wilson, David R. and Evans, Christopher S.
Female fowl (Gallus gallus) do not prefer alarm-calling males.
Behaviour, 147 (4).
pp. 525-552.
ISSN 0005-7959
Wilson, David R. and Nelson, Ximena J. and Evans, Christopher S.
Seizing the Opportunity: Subordinate Male Fowl Respond Rapidly to Variation in Social Context.
Ethology, 115 (10).
pp. 996-1004.
ISSN 1439-0310
Wilson, David R. and McDonald, Paul G. and Evans, Christopher S.
Nestling begging increases predation risk, regardless of spectral characteristics or avian mobbing.
Behavioral Ecology, 20 (4).
pp. 821-829.
ISSN 1465-7279
Wilson, David R. and Nelson, Ximena J. and Evans, Christopher S.
Behavioral Syndromes in Stable Social Groups: An Artifact of External Constraints?
Ethology, 114 (12).
pp. 1154-1165.
ISSN 1439-0310
Wilson, David R. and Evans, Christopher S.
Mating success increases alarm-calling effort in male fowl,
Gallus gallus.
Animal Behaviour, 76 (6).
pp. 2029-2035.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Bayly, Karen L. and Nelson, Ximena J. and Gillings, Michael and Evans, Christopher S.
Alarm calling best predicts mating and reproductive success
in ornamented male fowl, Gallus gallus.
Animal Behaviour, 76 (3).
pp. 543-554.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Hare, James F.
The adaptive utility of Richardson’s ground
squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii) short-range
ultrasonic alarm signals.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 84 (9).
pp. 1322-1330.
ISSN 1480-3283
Wilson, David R. and Sloan, Jennifer L. and Hare, James F.
Functional morphology of Richardson’s ground squirrel,
Spermophilus richardsonii, alarm calls: the meaning
of chirps, whistles and chucks.
Animal Behaviour, 70 (4).
pp. 937-944.
ISSN 0003-3472
Wilson, David R. and Hare, James F.
Ground squirrel uses ultrasonic alarms.
Nature, 430.
p. 523.
ISSN 1476-4687
Wilson, David R. and Hare, James F.
Richardson’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus richardsonii) do not communicate predator movements via changes in call rate.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 81 (12).
pp. 2026-2031.
ISSN 1480-3283
This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 17:32:45 2025 NDT.