Development of a novel magnetic clutch thruster

Smith, Jonathan W. (2024) Development of a novel magnetic clutch thruster. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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This thesis describes the comprehensive process of designing, constructing, and testing a fully enclosed magnetic clutch thruster concept model for an autonomous underwater vehicle. Originally conceived as an enhancement to a pre- existing unit developed by Dr. Hinchey, the project faced various limitations in terms of equipment selection and physical sizing. The primary objective was to demonstrate the feasibility of such a design within these constraints. The design phase involved modeling in SolidWorks, followed by fabrication using a combination of 3D printing and machining services aided by Technical Services at MUN. Additionally, testing unit structures were engineered and tailored specifically for this project. Evaluation procedures were carried out in the Engineering Fluids Lab at MUN using self- designed and constructed equipment. Upon completion, the thruster underwent a series of rigorous tests aimed at collecting and analyzing data for comparison. These extensive model tests, conducted with the thruster integrated into our testing structure and measured with a load cell, revealed maximum responses and excellent repeatability. Further verification testing was undertaken to ensure the credibility of our testing apparatus and setup. The collected data was subsequently compared against model-based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, validating our concept and solid evidence of the results obtained through real-world testing. This thesis comprehensively explores the design, construction, and testing processes involved in developing an innovative thruster concept for autonomous underwater vehicles.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 16468
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 66-67)
Keywords: thruster, magnetic clutch, autonomous underwater vehicle, computational fluid dynamics, OpenFOAM
Department(s): Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of
Date: April 2024
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Autonomous underwater vehicles--Design and construction; Magnetic clutches; Computational fluid dynamics; Marine engineering

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