Number of items at this level: 132.
Acuna, Jose Luis and Deibel, D. and Bochdansky, Alexander Boris and Hatfield, E.
In situ ingestion rates of appendicularian tunicates
in the Northeast Water Polynya (NE Greenland).
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 186.
pp. 149-160.
ISSN 1616-1599
Ahmed, Zubair M. and Cindy Li, Xiaoyan and Powell, Shontell D. and Riazuddin, Saima and Young, Terry-Lynn and Ramzan, Khushnooda and Ahmad, Zahoor and Luscombe, Sandra and Dhillon, Kiran and MacLaren, Linda and Ploplis, Barbara and Shotland, Lawrence I. and Ives, Elizabeth and Riazuddin, Seikh and Friedman, Thomas B. and Morell, Robert J. and Wilcox, Edward R.
Characterization of a new full length TMPRSS3 isoform and
identification of mutant alleles responsible for nonsyndromic
recessive deafness in Newfoundland and Pakistan.
BMC Medical Genetics , 5 (24).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1471-2350
Andersen, Julie M. and Wiersma, Yolanda and Stenson, Garry B. and Hammill, Mike O. and Rosing-Asvid, Aqqalu and Skern-Maurizen, Mette
Habitat selection by hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.
ICES Journal of Marine Science, 70 (1).
pp. 173-185.
ISSN 1054-3139
Bailleul, Frédéric and Luque, Sebastian and Dubroca, Laurent and Arnould, John P.Y. and Guinet, Christophe
Differences in foraging strategy and maternal
behaviour between two sympatric fur seal species
at the Crozet Islands.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 293.
pp. 273-282.
ISSN 1616-1599
Benoit, Hugues P. and Pepin, Pierre
Individual variability in growth rate and the timing of metamorphosis in yellowtail flounder Pleuronectes ferrugineus.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 184.
pp. 231-244.
ISSN 1616-1599
Blackmore, Tina M. and Mercer, Corinne F. and Paterno, Gary D. and Gillespie, Laura L.
The transcriptional cofactor MIER1-beta negatively regulates histone acetyltransferase activity of the CREB-binding protein.
BMC Research Notes, 1 (68).
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 1756-0500
Bond, A.L. and Jones, Ian L.
A practical introduction to stable-isotope analysis for seabird biologists: Approaches, cautions and caveats.
Marine Ornithology, 37 (3).
pp. 183-188.
ISSN 2074-1235
Borza, Tudor and Stone, Cynthia and Gamperl, A. Kurt and Bowman, Sharen
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) hemoglobin genes: multiplicity and
BMC Genetics, 10 (51).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1471-2156
Boucher, Philippe and Ditlecadet, Delphine and Dube, Caroline and Dufresne, France
Unusual duplication of the insulin-like receptor in
the crustacean Daphnia pulex.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 10.
pp. 1-11.
ISSN 1471-2148
Bradbury, Ian R. and Snelgrove, Paul and Pepin, Pierre
Passive and active behavioural contributions to
patchiness and spatial pattern during the early life
history of marine fishes.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 257.
pp. 233-245.
ISSN 1616-1599
Burger, Alan E. and Hitchcock, Christine L. and Davoren, Gail K.
Spatial aggregations of seabirds and their prey on
the continental shelf off SW Vancouver Island.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 283.
pp. 279-292.
ISSN 1616-1599
Cairns, D. K. and Bredin, K. A. and Montevecchi, William A.
Activity Budgets and Foraging Ranges of Breeding Common Murres.
Auk, 104 (2).
pp. 218-224.
ISSN 1938-4254
Carscadden, J.E.
Did signals from seabirds indicate changes in
capelin biology during the 1990s? Comment on
Davoren & Montevecchi (2003).
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 285.
pp. 289-309.
ISSN 1616-1599
Choe, Nami and Deibel, D. and Thompson, Raymond J. and Lee, S.H. and Bushell, Vivian K.
Seasonal variation in the biochemical composition
of the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans from the
hyperbenthic zone of Conception Bay,
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 251.
pp. 191-200.
ISSN 1616-1599
Cohen, Jordan S. and Leung, Yvette and Fahey, Meriah and Hoyt, Linda and Sinha, Roona and Cailler, Lisa and Ramchandar, Kevin and Martin, John and Patten, Scott
The happy docs study: a Canadian Association of Internes and Residents well-being survey examining resident physician health and satisfaction within and outside of residency training in Canada.
BMC Research Notes, 1 (105).
pp. 1-8.
ISSN 1756-0500
Copeman, L. A. and Parrish, Christopher C. and Gregory, R.S. and Jamieson, R. E. and Wells, John and Whiticar, M. J.
Fatty acid biomarkers in coldwater eelgrass meadows: elevated terrestrial input to the food web of age-0 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 386.
pp. 237-251.
ISSN 1616-1599
Cote, David and Kehler, Dan G. and Wiersma, Yolanda and Bourne, Christina
A new measure of longitudinal connectivity for stream networks.
Landscape Ecology, 24 (1).
pp. 101-113.
ISSN 0921-2973
Crease, T.J. and Floyd, R. and Cristescu, M.E. and Innes, D.
Evolutionary factors affecting Lactate dehydrogenase A and B variation in the Daphnia pulex species complex.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11 (1).
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 1471-2148
Danoy, Patrick and Pryce, Karena and Farrar, Claire and Pointon, Jennifer and Ward, Michael and Weisman, Michael and Reveille, John D. and Wordsworth, B. Paul and Stone, Millicent A. and Maksymowych, Walter P. and Rahman, Proton and Gladman, Dafna and Inman, Robert D. and Brown, Matthew A.
Association of variants at 1q32 and STAT3 with ankylosing spondylitis suggests genetic overlap with Crohn's disease.
PLoS Genetics, 6 (12).
pp. 1-5.
ISSN 1553-7390
Davoren, Gail K.
Variability in foraging in response to changing
prey distributions in rhinoceros auklets.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 198.
pp. 183-291.
ISSN 1616-1599
Davoren, Gail K. and Montevecchi, William A.
Signals from seabirds indicate changing biology of
capelin stocks.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258.
pp. 253-261.
ISSN 1616-1599
Davoren, Gail K. and Montevecchi, William A.
Signals from seabirds indicate changing biology of capelin stocks.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258.
pp. 253-261.
ISSN 1616-1599
Davoren, Gail K. and Montevecchi, William A. and Anderson, John T.
Distributional patterns of a marine bird and its
prey: habitat selection based on prey and
conspecific behaviour.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 256.
pp. 229-242.
ISSN 1616-1599
Davoren, Gail K. and Montevecchi, William A. and Anderson, John T.
Distributional patterns of a marine bird and its prey: habitat selection based on prey and conspecific behaviour.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 256.
pp. 229-242.
ISSN 1616-1599
Davoren, Gail K. and Montevecchi, William A. and Anderson, John T.
Scale-dependent associations of predators and
prey: constraints imposed by flightlessness of
common murres.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 245.
pp. 259-272.
ISSN 1616-1599
Davoren, Gail K. and Montevecchi, William A. and Anderson, John T.
The influence of fish behaviour on search strategies of Common Murres Uria aalge in the Northwest Atlantic.
Marine Ornithology, 31 (2).
pp. 123-131.
ISSN 2074-1235
Dodson, Julian J. and Carscadden, J.E. and Bernatchez, Louis and Colombani, Franqoise
Relationship between spawning mode and phylogeographic structure in mitochondrial DNA of North Atlantic capelin Mallotus villosus.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 76.
pp. 103-113.
ISSN 1616-1599
Duinker, Peter N. and Wiersma, Yolanda and Haider, Wolfgang and Hvenegaard, Glen T and Schmiegelow, Fiona K. A.
Protected Areas and Sustainable Forest Management: What Are We Talking About?
Forestry Chronicle, 86 (2).
pp. 173-177.
ISSN 0015-7546
Gandhi, Priya and Muhammad Gadit, Amin A.
Delusion or obsession: Clinical dilemma.
BMC Research Notes, 5 (384).
pp. 1-3.
ISSN 1756-0500
Gendron, Robert L. and Armstrong, Elizabeth and Paradis, Helene and Haines, Lacey and Desjardins, Mariève and Short, Connie E. and Clow, Kathy A. and Driedzic, William R.
Osmotic pressure-adaptive responses in the eye tissues of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax).
Molecular Vision, 17.
pp. 2596-2604.
ISSN 1090-0535
Goudie, R. Ian
Multivariate behavioural response of harlequin ducks to aircraft disturbance in Labrador.
Environmental Conservation, 33 (1).
pp. 28-35.
ISSN 0376-8929
Gregory, R.S. and Anderson, John T.
Substrate selection and use of protective cover by juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in inshore waters of Newfoundland.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 146.
pp. 9-20.
ISSN 1616-1599
Han, Guoqi
Satellite Observations of Seasonal and Interannual Changes of Sea Level and Currents over the Scotian Slope.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37 (4).
pp. 1051-1065.
ISSN 1520-0485
Han, Guoqi and Hannah, Charles G. and Loder, John W. and Smith, Peter C.
Seasonal variation of the three-dimensional mean circulation over the Scotian Shelf.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans , 102 (C1).
pp. 1011-1025.
ISSN 2169-9291
Han, Guoqi and Ikeda, Moto
Basin-scale variability in the Labrador Sea from TOPEX/POSEIDON and Geosat altimeter data.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 101 (C12).
ISSN 2169-9291
Han, Guoqi and Loder, John W.
Three-dimensional seasonal-mean circulation and hydrography on the eastern Scotian Shelf.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 108 (C5).
ISSN 2169-9291
Han, Guoqi and Loder, John W. and Smith, Peter C.
Seasonal-Mean Hydrography and Circulation in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the Eastern Scotian and Southern Newfoundland Shelves.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 29 (6).
pp. 1279-1301.
ISSN 1520-0485
Han, Guoqi and Tang, C. L.
Interannual Variations of Volume Transport in the Western Labrador Sea Based on TOPEX/Poseidon and WOCE Data.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 31 (1).
pp. 199-211.
ISSN 1520-0485
Han, Guoqi and Tang, C. L.
Velocity and transport of the Labrador Current determined from altimetric, hydrographic, and wind data.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 104 (C8).
ISSN 2169-9291
Han, Guoqi and Tang, C. L. and Smith, P. C.
Annual Variations of Sea Surface Elevation and Currents over the Scotian Shelf and Slope.
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 32 (6).
pp. 1794-1810.
ISSN 1520-0485
Harazim, D. and van de Schootbrugge, B. and Sorichter, K. and Oschmann, W. and Fiebig, J. and Püttmann, W. and Peinl, M. and Zanella, F. and Teichert, B. M. A. and Hoffmann, J. and Stadnitskaia, A. and Rosenthal, Y.
The enigmatic ichnofossil Tisoa siphonalis and widespread
authigenic seep carbonate formation during the Late Pliensbachian
in southern France.
Biogeosciences, 7 (10).
pp. 3123-3138.
ISSN 1726-4189
Hayden, Victor C. and Beaulieu, Luc Y.
Modeling Rectangular Cantilevers during Torsion and
Deflection for Application to Frictional Force Microscopy.
Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15 (3).
pp. 259-264.
ISSN 1435-8115
Hedd, April and Bertram, Douglas F. and Ryder, John L. and Jones, Ian L.
Effects of interdecadal climate variability on
marine trophic interactions: rhinoceros auklets
and their fish prey.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 309.
pp. 263-278.
ISSN 1616-1599
Hedd, April and Montevecchi, William A.
Diet and trophic position of Leach's storm-petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa during breeding and moult, inferred from stable isotope analysis of feathers.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 322.
pp. 291-301.
ISSN 1616-1599
Hedd, April and Montevecchi, William A.
Diet and trophic position of Leach’s storm-petrel
Oceanodroma leucorhoa during breeding and
moult, inferred from stable isotope analysis
of feathers.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 322.
pp. 291-301.
ISSN 1616-1599
Hori, Tiago S. and Gamperl, A. Kurt and Afonso, Luis OB and Johnson, Stewart C. and Hubert, Sophie and Kimball, Jennifer and Bowman, Sharen and Rise, Matthew L.
Heat-shock responsive genes identified and
validated in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) liver,
head kidney and skeletal muscle using genomic
BMC Genomics, 11 (72).
pp. 1-22.
ISSN 1471-2164
Ide, I. and Witten, E.P. and Fischer, J. and Kalbfus, W. and Zellner, A. and Stroben, E. and Watermann, B.
Accumulation of organotin compounds in the common whelk Buccinum undatum and the red whelk Neptunea antiqua in association with imposex.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 152.
pp. 197-203.
ISSN 1616-1599
Jofre, Jocelyn and Massardo, Francisca and Rozzi, Ricardo and Goffinet, Bernard and Marino, Paul and Raguso, Robert and Navarro, Nelso P.
Phenology of Tayloria dubyi (Splachnaceae) in the peatlands of the Cape Horn Biosphere Reserve.
Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 83 (1).
pp. 195-206.
ISSN 0717-6317
Jokinen, Riika and Marttinen, Paula and Sandell, Helen Katarin and Manninen, Tuula and Teerenhovi, Heli and Wai, Timothy and Teoli, Daniella and Loredo-Osti, J. Concepcion and Shoubridge, Eric A. and Battersby, Brendan J.
Gimap3 Regulates Tissue-Specific Mitochondrial DNA
PLoS Genetics, 6 (10).
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1553-7390
Jones, Ian L. and Adams, Peter A. and Robertson, Gregory J.
Time-Activity Budgets of Harlequin Ducks Molting in the Gannet Islands, Labrador.
Condor, 102 (3).
pp. 703-708.
ISSN 0010-5422
Jones, Ian L. and Goudie, R. Ian
Dose-response relationships of harlequin duck behaviour to noise from low-level military jet over-flights in central Labrador.
Environmental Conservation, 31 (4).
pp. 289-298.
ISSN 0376-8929
Jones, Ian L. and Lusignan, Alain and Mehl, Katherine R. and Gloutney, Mark L.
Conspecific Brood Parasitism in Common Eiders (Somateria Mollissima): Do Brood Parasites Target Safe Nest Sites?
Auk, 127 (4).
pp. 765-772.
ISSN 1938-4254
Jones, Ian L. and Massaro, Melanie and Chardine, John W.
Relationships Between Black-Legged Kittiwake Nest-Site Characteristics and Susceptibility to Predation by Large Gulls.
Condor, 103 (4).
pp. 793-801.
ISSN 0010-5422
Jones, Ian L. and Paredes, Rosada and Boness, Daryl J.
Parental roles of male and female thick-billed murres
and razorbills at the Gannet Islands, Labrador.
Behaviour, 143 (4).
pp. 451-481.
ISSN 0005-7959
Jones, Ian L. and Paredes, Rosada and Insley, Stephen J.
Sex differences in razorbill Alca torda parent–offspring vocal recognition.
Journal of Experimental Biology, 206 (1).
pp. 25-31.
ISSN 0022-0949
Jones, Ian L. and Rowe, Sherrylynn and Carr, Steven M. and Fraser, Gail S.
Different Patterns of Parental Effort during Chick-Rearing by Female and Male Thick-Billed Murres (Uria Lomvia) at a Low-Arctic Colony.
Auk, 119 (4).
pp. 1064-1074.
ISSN 1938-4254
Kaartvedt, Stein and Torgersen, Thomas and Klevjer, Thor A. and Røstad, Anders and Devine, Jennifer A.
Behavior of individual mesopelagic fish in
acoustic scattering layers of Norwegian fjords.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 360.
pp. 201-209.
ISSN 1616-1599
Kaunda-Arara, Boaz and Rose, George A.
Homing and site fidelity in the greasy grouper
Epinephelus tauvina (Serranidae) within a marine
protected area in coastal Kenya.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 277.
pp. 245-251.
ISSN 1616-1599
Kelly, Deborah and Burt, Kimberley and Missaghi, Bayan and Barrett, Lisa and Keynan, Yoav and Fowke, Keith and Grant, Michael D.
Responses to pandemic AS03-adjuvanted A/California/07/09 H1N1 influenza vaccine in human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals.
BMC Immunology, 13 (49).
pp. 1-18.
ISSN 1471-2172
Khan, R. A.
Host-Parasite Interactions in Some Fish Species.
Journal of Parasitology Research, 2012.
ISSN 2090-0031
Killen, Shaun S. and Brown, Joseph A.
Energetic cost of reduced foraging under predation
threat in newly hatched ocean pout.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 321.
pp. 255-266.
ISSN 1616-1599
Laurel, Benjamin Jeffrey and Gregory, R.S. and Brown, J.A.
Predator distribution and habitat patch area
determine predation rates on Age-0 juvenile
cod Gadus spp.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 251.
pp. 245-254.
ISSN 1616-1599
Laurel, Benjamin Jeffrey and Gregory, R.S. and Brown, J.A.
Settlement and distribution of Age-0 juvenile cod,
Gadus morhua and G. ogac, following a large-scale
habitat manipulation.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 262.
pp. 241-252.
ISSN 1616-1599
Laurel, Benjamin Jeffrey and Gregory, R.S. and Brown, J.A. and Hancock, J.K. and Schneider, D.C.
Behavioural consequences of density-dependent
habitat use in juvenile cod Gadus morhua and
G. ogac: the role of movement and aggregation.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 272.
pp. 257-270.
ISSN 1616-1599
Lavers, Jennifer L. and Jones, Ian L.
Assessing the type and frequency of band resighting errors for Razorbill Alca torda with implications for other wildlife studies.
Marine Ornithology, 36 (1).
pp. 19-23.
ISSN 2074-1235
Lavers, Jennifer L. and Jones, Ian L. and Robertson, Gregory J. and Diamond, Antony W.
Contrasting Population Trends at Two Razorbill Colonies in Atlantic
Canada: Additive Effects of Fox Predation and Hunting Mortality? *
Comparaison de la tendance de deux colonies de Petits Pingouins dans les
provinces de l’Atlantique : la prédation par le renard et la mortalité par
la chasse ont-elles un effet cumulatif?
Avian Conservation and Ecology , 4 (2).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1712-6568
Lawson, John W. and Anderson, John T. and Dalley, Edgar L. and Stenson, Garry B.
Selective foraging by harp seals Phoca groenlandica in nearshore and offshore waters of Newfoundland, 1993 and 1994.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 163.
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 1616-1599
Lawson, John W. and Magalhães, Alexandra M. and Miller, E.H.
Important prey species of marine vertebrate predators in the northwest Atlantic: proximate composition and energy density.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 164.
pp. 13-20.
ISSN 1616-1599
Lee, Peter A. and Saunders, Patricia A. and de Mora, Stephen J. and Deibel, D. and Levasseur, Maurice
Influence of copepod grazing on concentrations
of dissolved dimethylsulfoxide and related sulfur
compounds in the North Water, northern Baffin Bay.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 255.
pp. 235-248.
ISSN 1616-1599
Legendre, Louis and Rivkin, Richard B.
Planktonic food webs: microbial hub approach.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 365.
pp. 289-309.
ISSN 1616-1599
Levin, Phillip S. and Chiasson, Wayne and Green, John M.
Geographic differences in recruitment and population structure of a temperate reef fish.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 161.
pp. 23-35.
ISSN 1616-1599
Lewis, John Courtenay
Elementary Statistical Models for Vector Collision-Sequence
Interference Effects with Poisson-Distributed Collision Times.
International Journal of Spectroscopy, 2010.
ISSN 1687-9457
Liu, Zhijie and Farley, Alison and Chen, Lizhen and Kirby, Beth J. and Kovacs, Christopher S. and Blackburn, C. Clare and Manley, Nancy R.
Thymus-Associated Parathyroid Hormone Has Two Cellular Origins with Distinct Endocrine and Immunological Functions.
PLoS Genetics, 6 (12).
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ISSN 1553-7390
Lukyanenko, Roman and Parsons, Jeffrey and Wiersma, Yolanda
Citizen Science 2.0 : Data Management Principles to Harness the Power of the Crowd.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6629.
pp. 465-473.
ISSN 0302-9743
McClelland, Gregory T.W. and Jones, Ian L. and Lavers, Jennifer L. and Sato, Fumio
Breeding biology of tristram's Storm-Petrel Oceanodroma tristrami at French Frigate Shoals and Laysan Island, Northwest Hawaiian Islands.
Marine Ornithology, 36 (2).
pp. 175-181.
ISSN 2074-1235
Mercier, Annie and Ycaza, Roberto H. and Hamel, Jean-François
Long-term study of gamete release in a
broadcast-spawning holothurian:
predictable lunar and diel periodicities.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 329.
pp. 179-189.
ISSN 1616-1599
Miller, E.H. and Baker, A.J.
Antiquity of Shorebird Acoustic Displays.
Auk, 126 (2).
pp. 454-459.
ISSN 1938-4254
Mitchell, Greg W. and Warkentin, Ian G. and Taylor, Philip D.
Movement of Juvenile Songbirds in Harvested Boreal Forest: Assessing
Residency Time and Landscape Connectivity * Déplacements des jeunes passereaux en forêt boréale aménagée :
évaluation du temps de passage et de la connectivité du paysage.
Avian Conservation and Ecology , 4 (1).
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1712-6568
Montevecchi, William A.
Binary dietary responses of northern gannets
Sula bassana indicate changing food web and
oceanographic conditions.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 352.
pp. 213-220.
ISSN 1616-1599
Montevecchi, William A. and Birt-Friesen, V. L. and Cairns, D. K. and Macko, S. A.
Activity-specific metabolic rates of free-living northern gannets and other seabirds.
Ecology, 70 (2).
pp. 357-367.
ISSN 0012-9658
Montevecchi, William A. and Davoren, Gail K. and Anderson, John T.
Search strategies of a pursuit-diving marine bird and the persistence of prey patches.
Ecological Monographs, 73 (3).
pp. 463-481.
ISSN 0012-9615
Montevecchi, William A. and Myers, Ransom A.
Prey harvests of seabirds reflect pelagic fish
and squid abundance on multiple spatial and
temporal scales.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 117.
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1616-1599
Montevecchi, William A. and Myers, Ransom A.
Prey harvests of seabirds reflect pelagic fish and squid abundance on multiple spatial and temporal scales.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 117.
pp. 1-9.
ISSN 1616-1599
Montevecchi, William A. and Steele, D.H.
Leach's storm-petrels prey on lower mesopelagic (Mysidacea and Decapoda) crustaceans: possible implications for crustacean and avian distributions.
Crustaceana, 66 (2).
pp. 212-218.
ISSN 1568-5403
Montevecchi, William A. and Thompson, Ian D. and Hogan, Holly A.
Avian communities of mature balsam fir forests in Newfoundland: Age-dependence and implications for timber harvesting.
Condor, 101 (2).
pp. 311-323.
ISSN 0010-5422
Murray, H. M. and Gallardi, D. and Gidge, Y. S. and Sheppard, G. L.
Histology and Mucous Histochemistry of the Integument and
Body Wall of a Marine Polychaete Worm, Ophryotrocha n. sp.
(Annelida: Dorvilleidae) Associated with Steelhead Trout Cage Sites on the South Coast of Newfoundland.
Journal of Marine Biology, 2012.
ISSN 1687-949X
Muzaffar, Sabir B. and Hoberg, Eric P. and Jones, Ian L.
Possible recent range expansion of Alcataenia longicervica (Eucestoda: Dilepididae) parasitic in murres Uria spp. (Alcidae) into the North Atlantic.
Marine Ornithology, 33 (2).
pp. 189-191.
ISSN 2074-1235
Muzaffar, Sabir B. and Jones, Ian L.
Parasites and diseases of the auks (Alcidae) of the world and their ecology - A review.
Marine Ornithology, 32 (2).
pp. 121-146.
ISSN 2074-1235
Parrish, Christopher C.
Lipids in Marine Ecosystems.
ISRN Oceanography, 2013.
ISSN 1042-8275
Parrish, Christopher C. and Deibel, D. and Thompson, Raymond J.
Effect of sinking spring phytoplankton blooms
on lipid content and composition in suprabenthic
and benthic invertebrates in a cold ocean coastal
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 391.
pp. 33-51.
ISSN 1616-1599
Parrish, Christopher C. and McKenzie, C.H. and MacDonald, B.A. and Hatfield, E.A.
Seasonal studies of seston lipids in relation to microplankton species composition and scallop growth in South Broad Cove, Newfoundland.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 129.
pp. 151-164.
ISSN 1616-1599
Parrish, Christopher C. and Richoux, Nicole Bertine and Deibel, D. and Thompson, Raymond J.
Seasonal and developmental variation in the lipids of
Acanthostepheia malmgreni (Amphipoda) from the hyperbenthos of a cold-ocean environment (Conception Bay, Newfoundland).
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 84 (6).
pp. 1189-1197.
ISSN 1469-7769
Parrish, Christopher C. and Richoux, Nicole Bertine and Thompson, Raymond J. and Deibel, D.
Seasonal and developmental variation in the fatty acid composition of Mysis mixta (Mysidacea) and Acanthostepheia malmgreni (Amphipoda) from the hyperbenthos of a cold-ocean environment (Conception Bay, Newfoundland).
Journal of Plankton Research, 27 (8).
pp. 719-733.
ISSN 1464-3774
Parrish, Christopher C. and Thompson, Raymond J. and Deibel, D.
Lipid classes and fatty acids in plankton and
settling matter during the spring bloom in a cold
ocean coastal environment.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 286.
pp. 57-68.
ISSN 1616-1599
Parrish, Christopher C. and Thompson, Raymond J. and Deibel, D.
Lipid classes and fatty acids in plankton and settling matter during the spring bloom in a cold ocean coastal environment.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 286.
pp. 57-68.
ISSN 1616-1599
Piatt, John F. and Methven, David Alan
Threshold foraging behavior of baleen whales.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 84.
pp. 205-210.
ISSN 1616-1599
Puvanendran, Velmurugu and Brown, Joseph A.
Effect of light intensity on the foraging and growth of Atlantic cod larvae: interpopulation difference?
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 167.
pp. 207-214.
ISSN 1616-1599
Quijón, Pedro A. and Snelgrove, Paul
Differential regulatory roles of crustacean
predators in a sub-arctic, soft-sediment system.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 285.
pp. 137-149.
ISSN 1616-1599
Raineki, C. and Pickenhagen, A. and Roth, T.L. and Babstock, D.M. and McLean, J.H. and Harley, C.W. and Lucion, A.B. and Sullivan, R.M.
The neurobiology of infant maternal odor learning.
Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research , 43 (10).
pp. 914-919.
ISSN 1678-4510
Ramey, Patricia A. and Snelgrove, Paul
Spatial patterns in sedimentary macrofaunal
communities on the south coast of Newfoundland
in relation to surface oceanography and sediment
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 262.
pp. 215-227.
ISSN 1616-1599
Rana, M.S. and Halim, M.A. and Hoque, S.A.M. Waliul and Hasan, Kamrul and Hossain, M.K.
Bioadsorbtion of arsenic by prepared and commercial crab shell chitosan.
Biotechnology, 8 (1).
pp. 160-165.
ISSN 1682-2978
Regehr, H.M. and Montevecchi, William A.
Interactive effects of food shortage and predation on breeding failure of black-legged kittiwakes: indirect effects of fisheries activities and implications for indicator species.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 155.
pp. 249-260.
ISSN 1616-1599
Regehr, H.M. and Montevecchi, William A.
Interactive effects of food shortage and predation on breeding failure of black-legged kittiwakes: indirect effects of fisheries activities and implications for indicator species.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 155.
pp. 249-260.
ISSN 1616-1599
Rideout, Rick M. and Rose, George A.
Suppression of reproduction in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 320.
pp. 279-292.
ISSN 1616-1599
Rideout, Rick M. and Trippel, E.A. and Litvak, M.K.
Effects of egg size, food supply and spawning time
on early life history success of haddock
Melanogrammus aeglefinus.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 285.
pp. 169-180.
ISSN 1616-1599
Rodway, M.S. and Montevecchi, William A.
Sampling methods for assessing the diets of Atlantic puffin chicks.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 144.
pp. 41-55.
ISSN 1616-1599
Rodway, M.S. and Montevecchi, William A.
Sampling methods for assessing the diets of Atlantic puffin chicks.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 144.
pp. 41-55.
ISSN 1616-1599
Rose, George A.
Acoustic GIS‐based monitoring of Atlantic cod ecosystems in coastal Newfoundland.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 123 (5).
p. 2993.
ISSN 1520-8524
Rose, George A. and Gauthier, Stéphane and Lawson, Gareth
Acoustic surveys in the full monte: simulating uncertainty.
Aquatic Living Resources, 13 (5).
pp. 367-372.
ISSN 1765-2952
Saunders, D.A. and Deibel, D. and Stevens, C.J. and Rivkin, Richard B. and Lee, S.H. and Klein, B.
Copepod herbivory rate in a large arctic polynya
and its relationship to seasonal and spatial
variation in copepod and phytoplankton biomass.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 261.
pp. 183-199.
ISSN 1616-1599
Sherwood, Graham D. and Rose, George A.
Influence of swimming form on otolith δ13C in marine fish.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258.
pp. 283-289.
ISSN 1616-1599
Smith, Tamara H.L. and Dueck, Christine C. and Mhanni, Aizeddin A. and McGowan, Ross A.
Novel splice variants associated with one of the zebrafish dnmt3
BMC Developmental Biology, 5 (23).
pp. 1-7.
ISSN 1471-213X
Snelgrove, Paul and Grant, J. and Pilditch, C.A.
Habitat selection and adult-larvae interactions in settling larvae of soft-shell clam Mya arenaria.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 182.
pp. 149-159.
ISSN 1616-1599
Stead, Robert A. and Thompson, Raymond J. and Jaramillo, J. Roberto
Absorption efficiency, ingestion rate, gut passage
time and scope for growth in suspension- and
deposit-feeding Yoldia hyperborea.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 252.
pp. 159-172.
ISSN 1616-1599
Steele, D.H. and Steele, V.J.
Effects of salinity on the survival, growth rate, and reproductive output of Gammarus lawrencianus (Crustacea, Amphipoda).
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 78.
pp. 49-56.
ISSN 1616-1599
Stenhouse, Iain J. and Montevecchi, William A.
Indirect effects of the availability of capelin and fishery discards: Gull predation on breeding storm-petrels.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 184.
pp. 303-307.
ISSN 1616-1599
Stevens, C.J. and Head, E.J.H.
A model of chlorophyll a destruction by Calanus spp. and implications for the estimation of ingestion rates using the gut fluorescence method.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 171.
pp. 187-198.
ISSN 1616-1599
Stevick, Peter T. and Allen, Judith and Clapham, Phillip J. and Lien, John
North Atlantic humpback whale abundance and rate of
increase four decades after protection from whaling.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 258.
pp. 263-273.
ISSN 1616-1599
Thompson, Raymond J. and Deibel, D. and Redden, A.M. and McKenzie, C.H.
Vertical flux and fate of particulate matter in a
Newfoundland fjord at sub-zero water
temperatures during spring.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 357.
pp. 33-49.
ISSN 1616-1599
Tian, Ru Cheng and Deibel, D. and Thompson, Raymond J. and Rivkin, Richard B.
Modeling of climate forcing on a cold-ocean
ecosystem, Conception Bay, Newfoundland.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 262.
pp. 1-17.
ISSN 1616-1599
Toro, J.E. and Vergara, A.M. and Gallegillos, R.
Multiple-locus heterozygosity, physiology and growth at two different stages in the life cycle of the Chilean oyster Ostrea chilensis.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 134.
pp. 151-158.
ISSN 1616-1599
Wall, Diana H. and Ayres, Edward and Behan-Pelletier, Valerie and Covich, Alan P. and Snelgrove, Paul
Soils, freshwater and marine sediments:
the need for integrative landscape
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 304.
pp. 302-307.
ISSN 1616-1599
Wiersma, Yolanda
Barriers to fish passage and barriers to fish passage assessments: the
impact of assessment methods and assumptions on barrier identification and
quantification of watershed connectivity.
Aquatic Ecology , 45 (3).
pp. 389-403.
ISSN 1573-5125
Wiersma, Yolanda and Nudds, Thomas D.
Conservation targets for viable species assemblages in Canada: are percentage targets appropriate?
Biodiversity & Conservation , 15 (14).
4555 -4567.
ISSN 0960-3115
Wiersma, Yolanda and Nudds, Thomas D.
Efficiency and effectiveness in representative reserve design in Canada: the contribution of existing protected areas.
Biological Conservation, 142 (8).
pp. 1639-1646.
ISSN 0006-3207
Wiersma, Yolanda and Sandlos, John
Once there were so many: Animals as Ecological Baselines.
Environmental History, 16 (3).
pp. 400-407.
ISSN 1084-5453
Wiersma, Yolanda and Skinner, Randolph
Predictive distribution model for the boreal felt lichen Erioderma pedicellatum in Newfoundland, Canada.
ESR, 15 (2).
pp. 115-127.
ISSN 1863-5407
Wiersma, Yolanda and Urban, Dean L.
Beta diversity and nature reserve system design a case study from the Yukon, Canada.
Conservation Biology, 19 (4).
pp. 1262-1272.
ISSN 1523-1739
Wiese, Francis K.
Sinking rates of dead birds: Improving estimates of seabird mortality due to oiling.
Marine Ornithology, 31 (1).
pp. 65-70.
ISSN 2074-1235
Williams, P. James and Brown, Joseph A.
Developmental changes in foraging-predator avoidance trade-offs in larval lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 76.
pp. 53-60.
ISSN 1616-1599
Wringe, Brendan F. and Devlin, Robert H. and Ferguson, Moira M. and Moghadam, Hooman K. and Sakhrani, Dionne and Danzmann, Roy G.
Growth-related quantitative trait loci in domestic
and wild rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
BMC Genetics, 11 (63).
pp. 1-14.
ISSN 1471-2156
Zavalaga, Carlos B. and Paredes, Rosada
Records of magellanic penguins Spheniscus magellanicus in Peru.
Marine Ornithology, 37 (3).
pp. 281-282.
ISSN 2074-1235
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