Number of items: 5.
Copeman, L. A. and Parrish, Christopher C. and Gregory, R.S. and Jamieson, R. E. and Wells, John and Whiticar, M. J.
Fatty acid biomarkers in coldwater eelgrass meadows: elevated terrestrial input to the food web of age-0 Atlantic cod Gadus morhua.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 386.
pp. 237-251.
ISSN 1616-1599
Laurel, Benjamin Jeffrey and Gregory, R.S. and Brown, J.A. and Hancock, J.K. and Schneider, D.C.
Behavioural consequences of density-dependent
habitat use in juvenile cod Gadus morhua and
G. ogac: the role of movement and aggregation.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 272.
pp. 257-270.
ISSN 1616-1599
Laurel, Benjamin Jeffrey and Gregory, R.S. and Brown, J.A.
Settlement and distribution of Age-0 juvenile cod,
Gadus morhua and G. ogac, following a large-scale
habitat manipulation.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 262.
pp. 241-252.
ISSN 1616-1599
Laurel, Benjamin Jeffrey and Gregory, R.S. and Brown, J.A.
Predator distribution and habitat patch area
determine predation rates on Age-0 juvenile
cod Gadus spp.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 251.
pp. 245-254.
ISSN 1616-1599
Gregory, R.S. and Anderson, John T.
Substrate selection and use of protective cover by juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in inshore waters of Newfoundland.
Marine Ecology Progress Series, 146.
pp. 9-20.
ISSN 1616-1599
This list was generated on Wed Feb 19 03:32:09 2025 NST.