Finding happiness through globetrotting: push factors of long-term travellers

Bertrand, Valérie (2016) Finding happiness through globetrotting: push factors of long-term travellers. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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This qualitative study explored the perspectives of long-term travellers regarding their motivational factors (i.e. why long-term travel) and subjective wellbeing (i.e. how long-term travel enhances happiness). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 participants using a purposive sample. Interview transcripts were triangulated to external sources such as participants’ websites and blogs. Data were coded and analyzed in the NVivo qualitative software program using a mixture of intuitive and methodological (constant comparison) processes. Findings revealed that old misconceptions (i.e. dated definitions, best suited for single men, journey as an escape and as a way to achieve fame and glory) still exist, as well as new insights about what long-term travel is, why people travel long-term and how long-term travel enhances happiness.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 12326
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 123-132).
Keywords: Travel motivation, leisure travel, happiness/wellbeing, push factors, globetrotters/long-term travellers
Department(s): Human Kinetics and Recreation, School of > Physical Education
Date: May 2016
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Travel--Psychological aspects; Travelers--Psychology; Well-being

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