Repository PoliciesPreservation and Deselection Policy1. Memorial University Libraries cannot guarantee that all file formats will stand the test of time; however, the library has created a file format preservation plan which insures that submitted content will be accessible and usable over the long term. 2. All material on the Research Repository website is subject to temporary or permanent removal pending the outcome of a legitimate complaint. Legitimate complaints will normally be concerned with the ownership of intellectual property rights, moral rights, and other legal issues. Complaints will be dealt with as per our Notice and Take Down Policy. Predatory PublishersMemorial University Libraries will not upload materials from suspected predatory publishers. Notice and Take Down PolicyResearchers and rights owners can choose to contribute to the Research Repository at their own discretion, and as such they also have to right to remove their own work, although we discourage the removal of an item once it is deposited. Remember that others may have linked to the permanent URL of your work. All material on the Research Repository website is subject to temporary or permanent removal pending the outcome of a legitimate complaint. Legitimate complaints will normally be concerned with the ownership of intellectual property rights, moral rights, and other legal issues. Grounds for complaint may include (but not be limited to) unauthorized reproduction, integrity, breach of confidence, or data protection. We will remove an item immediately, and inform the submitting faculty member, if we become aware of any illegal activity facilitated by an item in the Research Repository. If you are a rights holder and are concerned that you have found material on our website for which you have not given permission, or which is not covered by a limitation or exception in national law, please contact the repository manager by email at We require the following information:
Upon receipt of notification the ‘Notice and Takedown’ procedure is then invoked as follows: