The effects of foam rolling on muscular co-activation around the knee joint

Cavanaugh, Tyler (2016) The effects of foam rolling on muscular co-activation around the knee joint. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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The major objectives of this thesis were to determine if foam rolling had any effect on antagonist muscle activation and whether those changes would alter muscular co-activation patterns. The results from this thesis along with current literature will help clinicians to develop adequate exercise prescription for rehabilitative and pre-activity purposes. The existing literature has shown that foam rolling or roller massagers can increase range of motion (ROM), improve performance, and alter pain perception, however little research exists regarding changes in muscle activation following foam rolling. This study developed a reliable method for measuring muscle activation around the knee joint and using that method found that foam rolling the quadriceps can impair hamstrings muscle activation likely due to greater levels of perceived pain when rolling the quadriceps.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 11926
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references.
Keywords: foam rolling, knee, coactivation, hamstrings, quadriceps
Department(s): Human Kinetics and Recreation, School of > Kinesiology
Date: March 2016
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Exercise--Psychological aspects; Foam rollers (Exercise equipment); Muscle contraction

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