An examination of ballistic movement and ballistic resistance training

Dinn, Nicole Agnes (2006) An examination of ballistic movement and ballistic resistance training. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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Training specificity refers to exercises designed to improve a particular function or movement in a sporting situation. Training specificity is advocated for many sports and includes velocity, joint angle and range of motion specific components. The neural adaptations that occur with training include changes in recruitment and rate coding, antagonist co-contractions, and cross-education. During explosive contractions, which are often seen in a sport setting, muscle activation as monitored with electromyography (EMG) will exhibit a triphasic burst pattern. This pattern serves to augment the movement being produced. The present study included the use of velocity specific training and the intent to contract explosively to improve punch training. Subjects were measured on force production, EMG, movement and reaction time, and coordination. Main findings included a decrease in movement time with dynamic training, and impaired coordination with isometric training. Neural adaptations, demonstrated by changes in EMG, were also found. Because of its specificity of movement, dynamic training may be a more appropriate method to improve punching speed and co-ordination for martial artists and boxers.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 10412
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references.
Department(s): Human Kinetics and Recreation, School of > Kinesiology
Date: 2006
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Isometric exercise.

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