I John in the light of the debate on orthodoxy and heresy in earliest Christianity

Gregory, Krista (1995) I John in the light of the debate on orthodoxy and heresy in earliest Christianity. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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    Available under License - The author retains copyright ownership and moral rights in this thesis. Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission.
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This thesis examines I John in the light of the debate on orthodoxy and heresy in early Christianity. I argue that the theory of H.E.W. Turner, with its fixed and flexible elements, is the most accurate explanation of the example of early Christianity that we see in I John a In my attempt to prove the validity of Turner's thesis I look at the classical view and Walter Bauer's theory of the development of early Christianity, examining the inaccuracies contained in both of these views when compared to Turner's theory. A study of the Johannine community of I John and the polemic contained within provides a valuable opportunity to look into an early Christian group. The debate that takes place in I John mirrors the growth of the faith at this early period. An application of Turner's thesis to I John will further demonstrate the value of Turner's theory in helping readers to a greater understanding of the complexity of early Christianity.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
URI: http://research.library.mun.ca/id/eprint/5921
Item ID: 5921
Additional Information: Bibliography: leaves [119]-124.
Department(s): Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of > Religious Studies
Date: 1995
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Bible; Heresies, Christian--History--Early Church, ca. 30-600; Theology, Doctrinal--History--Early Church, ca. 30-600

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