Modeling the Impact of Seasonality on Mosquito Population Dynamics: Insights for Vector Control Strategies

Baafi, Joseph and Hurford, Amy (2025) Modeling the Impact of Seasonality on Mosquito Population Dynamics: Insights for Vector Control Strategies. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. ISSN 1522-9602

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Mosquitoes are important vectors for the transmission of some major infectious diseases of humans, i.e., malaria, dengue, West Nile Virus and Zika virus. The burden of these diseases is different for different regions, being highest in tropical and subtropical areas, which have high annual rainfall, warm temperatures, and less pronounced seasonality. The life cycle of mosquitoes consists of four distinct stages: eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. These life stages have different mortality rates and only adults can reproduce. Seasonal weather may affect the population dynamics of mosquitoes, and the relative abundance of different mosquito stages. We developed a stage-structured model that considers laboratory experiments describing how temperature and rainfall affects the reproduction, maturation and survival of different Anopheles mosquito stages, the species that transmits the parasite that causes malaria. We consider seasonal temperature and rainfall patterns and describe the stage-structured population dynamics of the Anopheles mosquito in Ain Mahbel, Algeria, Cape Town, South Africa, Nairobi, Kenya and Kumasi, Ghana. We find that neglecting seasonality leads to significant overestimation or underestimation of mosquito abundance. We find that depending on the region, mosquito abundance: peaks one, two or four times a year, periods of low abundance are predicted to occur for durations ranging from six months (Ain Mahbel) to not at all (Nairobi); and seasonal patterns of relative abundance of stages are substantially different. The region with warmer temperatures and higher rainfall across the year, Kumasi, Ghana, is predicted to have higher mosquito abundance, which is broadly consistent with reported malaria deaths relative to the other countries considered by our study. Our analysis reveals distinct patterns in mosquito abundance across different months and regions. Control strategies often target one specific life stage, for example, applying larvicides to kill mosquito larvae, or spraying insecticides to kill adult mosquitoes. Our findings suggest that differences in seasonal weather affect mosquito stage structure, and that the best approaches to vector control may differ between regions in timing, duration, and efficacy.

Item Type: Article
Item ID: 16854
Keywords: Seasonality, mosquitoes, population dynamics, stage-structure, anopheles species, vector control
Department(s): Science, Faculty of > Biology
Date: 6 January 2025
Date Type: Publication
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
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