Development of a shift handover and communication resource for novice medicine nurses

Davis, Leah (2024) Development of a shift handover and communication resource for novice medicine nurses. Practicum Report. Memorial University of Newfoundland. (Unpublished)

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Background: Nursing handover report is a time-honored practice that consists of oncoming nursing staff receiving report that highlights the patient’s status before commencing nursing care. The main goal of nursing handover report is to convey accurate, reliable, and current details regarding the patient care, needs, treatments, assessments, goal planning, and evaluation. Ineffective communication among healthcare providers is a major cause of adverse events within the healthcare setting. Novice nurses feel stressed and unprepared to engage in nursing handover report and often receive little to no training in completing nursing report. Purpose: To develop an educational resource to assist novice medicine nurses in completing nursing handover report. Methods: An integrative literature review of 17 literature sources, consultation with key stakeholders and an environmental scan of available resources were utilized to develop the educational resource. Results: Findings highlighted the need for an educational resource for novice nurses to complete nursing handover report effectively. The literature emphasized factors impacting novice nurses’ ability to effectively complete nursing handover report, as well as the current recommendations for nursing handover report and current strategies for completion of report. Findings from the consultation with key informants and environmental scan portrayed experiences in completing nursing handover report and the current recommendations for nursing handover report. An educational poster was developed to guide novice medicine nurses in the completion of nursing handover report. Conclusion: The development of the educational resource supports novice medicine nurses in the completion of nursing handover report, thus, improving communication skills and patient care.

Item Type: Report (Practicum Report)
Item ID: 16813
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 122-124)
Keywords: Nursing handover, nursing report, novice nurses, effective communication
Department(s): Nursing, Faculty of
Date: November 2024
Date Type: Submission
Medical Subject Heading: Patient Handoff; Nursing Staff; Communication; Health Personnel; Patient Care; Newfoundland and Labrador

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