An investigation of instructional rounds and novice teacher self-efficacy: an evaluative case study

Meneghetti, Rachelle (2025) An investigation of instructional rounds and novice teacher self-efficacy: an evaluative case study. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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The purpose of this qualitative study, situated at an independent Vancouver school, was to investigate the use of instructional rounds as a collaborative professional learning tool in promoting novice teacher self-efficacy. The study utilized an evaluative case study approach to explore the experiences of four novice teachers as they engaged in several rounds of classroom observation, group debrief, and self-reflection. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, document reviews, and research field notes. Findings from the research suggest that instructional rounds provide an effective vehicle for professional learning and for building educators’ self-efficacy beliefs. Participants attributed heightened impressions of self-efficacy to several elements of the instructional rounds process, including (1) creating a shared vision and goals, (2) engaging in non-evaluative classroom observations, (3) collaborating in a safe and supportive learning environment, and (4) critically reflecting on their own teaching practices. The study provides useful insight for administrators and policy makers as they plan high-quality professional learning aimed toward continuous school improvement. It also underscores the complexity of implementing robust professional learning initiatives that are designed to foster greater teacher professionalism. Suggestions are made to help schools renew their focus on professionalism and teacher self-efficacy, which may help retain a growing number of early career teachers who choose to leave the profession. Recommendations are also made for further research.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 16747
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 104-126)
Keywords: instructional rounds, professional learning, self-efficacy, collaboration
Department(s): Education, Faculty of
Date: February 2025
Date Type: Submission
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Teacher effectiveness--British Columbia--Vancouver; Professional learning communities; Self-efficacy; Group work in education--British Columbia--Vancouver; Observation (Educational method); Effective teaching--British Columbia--Vancouver

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