Investigating the roles of B vitamins and one-carbon metabolism in gut homeostasis

Hossain, Khandkar Shaharina (2024) Investigating the roles of B vitamins and one-carbon metabolism in gut homeostasis. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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Vitamins are the organic compounds essential for normal growth and metabolic processes in all living organisms. B vitamins, such as vitamin B9 and B12, act as cofactors in various metabolic reactions, including one-carbon (1C) metabolism, and typically are required in trace amounts. The gut harbors a diverse population of bacteria, some of which are capable of producing certain vitamins. These bacteria also require vitamins for their growth and proliferation, with requirements varying between vitamin-producing and non-producing strains. However, bacterially synthesized vitamins are limited, and dietary intake is vital for meeting the host’s daily requirements. Despite the well-understood functional role of B vitamins, their precise impacts on gut ecology remains poorly understood. The current study aimed to investigate the impacts of vitamin B9 and B12 deficiencies on gut morphology, microbial composition, and their metabolites using a rodent model of vitamin deficiency. Our findings revealed that a deficiency in vitamin B9 or B12 altered mucosal height and decreased acidic mucin production in the colon. Of particular interest, we observed sex-dependent differences in the effects of vitamin deficiency on the gut microbial profile. The analysis of fecal metabolites showed notable alterations in metabolites associated with gut health in the vitamin-deficient groups compared to the control. This study provides evidence that deficiencies in B vitamins, particularly those involved in 1C metabolism, can disturb gut homeostasis in a sex-dependent manner.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 16378
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 73-89)
Keywords: vitamin B9, vitamin B12, deficiency, gut, metabolites, microbiota
Department(s): Science, Faculty of > Biochemistry
Date: January 2024
Date Type: Submission
Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Vitamin B12; Folic acid; Metabolites; Avitaminosis; Gastrointestinal system

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