Endoscopy intraprocedural orientation manual for registered nurses

Rose, Sandralee (2020) Endoscopy intraprocedural orientation manual for registered nurses. Practicum Report. Memorial University of Newfoundland. (Unpublished)

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Background: The minimally invasive nature of endoscopy has increased the demand for its diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities. However, being utilized as an alternative to surgical intervention has resulted in an increase in patient acuity and procedural complexity. It is imperative endoscopy education and training for registered nurses (RNs) meets the needs of this evolving endoscopic landscape. Training for new RNs needs to be standardized and integrate updated, evidence-based research, practices and competencies, as set forth in the clinical nursing standards. Purpose: The purpose of the practicum project was to develop the endoscopy intraprocedural orientation manual (EIOM) to orientate new RNs into the endoscopy unit. Methods: An integrated literature review, environmental scan and stakeholder consultation interviews were conducted. Results: The need for an orientation manual in endoscopy was substantiated by the lack of existing educational material, evident in the findings of the environmental scan and integrated literature review. A lack of structured teaching material and need for additional education were also concerns highlighted during stakeholder interviews. Benner’s Novice to Expert Model was used to develop the 6-chapter EIOM for new endoscopy RNs, focusing on providing a foundation of gastrointestinal anatomy, pathophysiology, pharmacology and endoscopic procedure. Conclusion: Prospective implementation will occur in collaboration with the clinical educator and patient care coordinator of endoscopy. Once finalized, it will be implemented into the existing orientation program for new RNs. Evaluation will involve knowledge-based questionnaires completed by orientating students, at the 3-month, 6-month and 12-month intervals, to evaluate the clarity, usefulness and adequacy of the EIOM.

Item Type: Report (Practicum Report)
URI: http://research.library.mun.ca/id/eprint/14221
Item ID: 14221
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (page 268).
Department(s): Nursing, Faculty of
Date: May 2020
Date Type: Submission
Medical Subject Heading: Endoscopy; Nurses; Patient Care; Teaching Materials

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