No one knows about us

Canning, Bridget (2019) No one knows about us. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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No One Knows about Us is a collection of twelve contemporary short stories. As the title suggests, the characters in each story deal with secrets: relationships, longings, grudges, addictions, and trickery. For them, these secrets are simultaneously overwhelming and futile; their importance within their small worlds reflect a deeper feeling of insignificance in the greater scheme of life in a small city in a northern province hemmed on to the side of a continent. Here are a range of characters and situations set in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador. The stories are mapped out in different areas of the city and move chronologically over a year, starting in fall and ending in late summer. They work together to create a small sample of life in modern-day St. John’s – one that is informed by the influences of history, economy, and weather.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 13899
Keywords: fiction, short story, Newfoundland, contemporary
Department(s): Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of > English Language and Literature
Date: May 2019
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Short stories, Canadian; St. John's (N.L.)--Fiction

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