An Integrated Fisheries Management Blueprint For the Newfoundland and Labrador Green Sea Urchin Fishery

Ryan, Janice Marie (2005) An Integrated Fisheries Management Blueprint For the Newfoundland and Labrador Green Sea Urchin Fishery. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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Since 1997 the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has recognised the importance of the green sea urchin resource due to growing international market demand. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the need for a formal Integrated Fisheries Management Plan and to present a preliminary blueprint for such a plan. A literature review was conducted of North American urchin fisheries to place this province's fishery in context. The green sea urchin is very susceptible to over exploitation due to its life history characteristics and biology. It is very important to control fishing effort through a management plan that is based on reliable scientific data that encompasses both traditional and non-traditional management practices to promote the long term sustainability of the stock. The most valuable lesson learned was that the timing of an IFMP is crucial to an emergent fishery and now would be the time to implement such a plan rather than later, as in reactive management which has characterized fishery management in this province.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 13589
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 76-80)
Department(s): Marine Institute > School of Fisheries
Date: February 2005
Date Type: Completion

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