Knowledge Translation: Moving from Best Evidence to Best Practice

McKibbon, Ann (2018) Knowledge Translation: Moving from Best Evidence to Best Practice. In: Introduction to Knowledge Translation, November 2, 2018, Health Sciences Library Computer Classroom. (Submitted)

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Health researchers, as with all researchers, have 3 basic obligations: 1. Ask important and timely questions that have the potential to be answerable. 2. Conduct high quality and appropriate research to address these questions. 3. Work to implement (harness) the results of the research. The 3rd task--Knowledge Translation (KT) is the hardest to achieve. Ann will show several approaches to KT that can help us understand and plan our "behaviour change" interventions--and to search for this kind of material across disciplines and countries. We will look at some theories of KT and practical tools for us to use in our own library research and also for the students, staff, and faculty we support. Come prepared for interaction and bring questions and insights from your own efforts at behaviour change. I am looking forward to some positive and fun interactions.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Item ID: 13391
Additional Information: Ann McKibbon MLS PhD is a Professor emeritum with the Health Information Research Unit of McMaster University.
Department(s): Medicine, Faculty of
Date: 2 November 2018
Date Type: Completion

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