The development of a nursing mentorship program for registered nurses working with new graduate nurses transitioning into surgical practice

Noseworthy, Kara (2017) The development of a nursing mentorship program for registered nurses working with new graduate nurses transitioning into surgical practice. Practicum Report. Memorial University of Newfoundland. (Unpublished)

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Background: The challenges and stressors new graduate nurses face as they transition into practice, is intertwined with the constructs of professionalism and socialization. One way to support their professional growth and enhance practice is through a mentorship program. Purpose: The purpose of this project was to develop a mentorship program for registered nurses working with new graduate nurses transitioning into surgical practice. Methods: Developing a mentorship program for registered nurses was accomplished through the identification of relevant sources of evidence and the subsequent structuring of that evidence into a program manual. A needs assessment was completed that included a literature review, consultations with key stakeholders and an environmental scan of mentorship programs in Canada. Consultations were conducted with key nurse leaders including a clinical nurse educator, nursing managers, a nursing consultant and RNs in surgical practice. Results: The needs assessment validated and directed the development of the program, which includes a self-directed mentorship manual and a power point presentation for mentors and mentees. The manual includes strategies to create a mentoring culture, and how to build a trusting and respectful relationship. A suggested process for matching mentors with mentees is outlined along with an example of a mentorship agreement, a learning plan template, and a program evaluation tool. Conclusion: A mentorship program for registered nurses could be an effective strategy to inspire a passion for professional involvement and growth, and to create a positive and supportive work environment for new graduate nurses transitioning into practice.

Item Type: Report (Practicum Report)
Item ID: 12657
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references.
Keywords: mentorship, mentor, mentee, new graduate nurse, graduate transition
Department(s): Nursing, Faculty of
Date: April 2017
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Mentoring in nursing; Surgical nursing
Medical Subject Heading: Mentoring; Perioperative Nursing; Operating Room Nursing

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