Utilization of cottage hospitals and health service needs in two defined districts

Dewling, Ruby Skinner (1983) Utilization of cottage hospitals and health service needs in two defined districts. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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Since the role of the cottage hospitals in the health care delivery system is being questioned by health planners and health professionals, this descriptive study examines the extent to which the cottage hospital system continues to meet the health needs of the people in two rural health districts. The study examines the utilization of the cottage hospitals in a la-year time frame. Factors which the population report as influencing their use or non-use of the cottage hospital and their perceived needs for health care are examined. In addition, opinions of health professional personnel in relation to the present status of health care services in rural areas and their perceived health service needs for the future are explored. The health districts were chosen by selected criteria. A random sample of the population in both districts and all health professional personnel working in the districts were included in the study. Data on the utilization of the cottage hospitals were obtained from the Department of Health. Data were collected from the population sample and from the health professional personnel by means of semi-structured interview guides designed by the investigator. Frequencies were determined for all data, and compared between the two districts. The results show a drastic decrease in the utilization of the important services of the cottage hosp~tals in both districts, the highest utilization rates being for individuals in the 0-14 and 65 years plus age groups, and obstetrical patients. The utilization of the Out-Patient department has decreased where there are private physicians in practice, but increased where this service was not available. Common factors emerging from the data were the extent to which the views and perspectives of the providers and the consumers of health care in both districts were congruent in their suggestions and comments regarding health care in the areas. Data from both groups suggest that neither group view the cottage hospital as an acute care hospital but rather as a primary care facility offering Out-Patient care, diagnostic, emergency, obstetrical and basic pediatric services with appropriate referrals, and with emphasis on the need for public health education and community out-reach programs. This descriptive study has gathered baseline data and examined the continuing functions of cottage hospitals. It has explored opinions on health care and of the perceived health care service needs of the population and of the health professionals in two defined health districts and has provided direction for future ·study.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
URI: http://research.library.mun.ca/id/eprint/11699
Item ID: 11699
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (pages 129-135).
Department(s): Medicine, Faculty of
Date: February 1983
Date Type: Submission
Geographic Location: Newfoundland and Labrador
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Placentia Cottage Hospital; Burgeo Cottage Hospital; Rural health services--Newfoundland and Labrador; Rural hospitals--Newfoundland and Labrador; Hospitals, Rural--Newfoundland and Labrador; Rural Health Services--Newfoundland and Labrador

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