Coastal geomorphology of southwest Banks Island, NWT: historical and recent shoreline changes and implications for the future

Belliveau, Karissa D. (2007) Coastal geomorphology of southwest Banks Island, NWT: historical and recent shoreline changes and implications for the future. Masters thesis, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

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Predicted changes in Arctic climate include decreased sea-ice extent, increased storm frequency, and sea-level rise. The western Canadian Arctic is highly sensitive to sea-level rise and climate change due to, high ground ice concentrations in unlithified sediments, increased storm effectiveness, decreased sea-ice extent, and high erosion rates. The southwest coast of Banks Island has similar climate conditions, substrates and ground ice contents. Publicized community concern about changing coastal conditions led to Sachs Harbour, NWT being chosen as one of the first coastal sites for detailed study as part of an ArcticNet project. -- Sachs Harbour and the southwest coastline of Banks Island is dominated by low unlithified coastal bluffs containing segregated ice lenses and ice-rich silty sand horizons. Initial investigations identified three possible mechanisms for coastal erosion: wave activity and storm events, rising sea level and decreasing sea-ice extent, and increased thermal ablation coupled with regional submergence. -- Thirty-one coastal surveys, nearshore bathymetric surveys, and sediment samples were used to determine present coastal processes and rates change. Suspended particulate matter before and after a precipitation event were used to determine the effectiveness of runoff. Aerial photographs and satellite images were used to determine historical change along the coastline and within the community. Sea ice and storm records were analysed from the 1950s to present in order to determine the frequency of events and the associated sea-ice conditions.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Item ID: 10153
Additional Information: Includes bibliographical references (leaves 176-189).
Department(s): Science, Faculty of > Environmental Science
Date: 2007
Date Type: Submission
Library of Congress Subject Heading: Climatic changes--Environmental aspects--Northwest Territories--Banks Island; Climatic geomorphology--Northwest Territories--Banks Island; Sea level--Northwest Territories--Banks Island.

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